The mayor welcomed the contractors who will be building a new Play space in the Recreation ground in Boroughbridge.
Published: 06 August 2024
With the backing of the town council, Councillor Peter Phillips and the mayor Cllr Pauline Phillips (seen in the photo with the digger) have worked really hard to secure funding for the new play space being built in the recreation ground. It was hoped it may be ready for the summer holidays, but a slight delay has meant it will hopefully now be finished and ready for use by the autumn. A team of contractors have started building the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) at the top end of the recreation ground. It will create a new enclosed play space for ball games and other activities that benefit from a tarmac hard surface underfoot. Please respect the safety signs around the works and allow the contractors to get on with their task whilst the construction is ongoing. The sooner they get on with the works the sooner the new play space will be open to young people to use. It is an exciting venture that will improve facilities for the young people of Boroughbridge. A good news story for Boroughbridge:)