Youth Club

Boroughbridge Youth Club operates on a Tuesday night in the upstairs room of the Football Club from 6.30pm - 8.00pm. The group is for young people aged 8-14 and entry is £2 including a drink and a snack. EVERYBODY WELCOME!

We offer a safe environment for young people to come and join in activities and meet with their friends outside of school. From week to week we try different activities and try to engage young people to join in and have fun. It is important to us that the young people enjoy the youth club & the activities.

It is also very important what the young people want from the club. We listen to their thoughts and ideas and involve them as much as possible. We will need lots of new ideas so come along and tell us what you want.

The club is voluntary run with support from North Yorkshire Youth so any help will be much appreciated. Please contact Nikola Stephenson on 07904 127242 for more information.

We hope you see you & your children there.