Emergency Services

Boroughbridge Police maintain an operational desk within the Boroughbridge Fire Station. The Town has two dedicated PCSOs.

For all enquiries, please telephone:
Emergencies: 999
Non Emergencies: 101

Safer Boroughbridge

Boroughbridge Police Safer Neighbourhood Team

Our local police force has recently created a ‘Safer Neighbourhood Team’ for Boroughbridge. The plan is to deliver modern policing in a traditional way thereby making our community safer and stronger.

You can email the team at saferboroughbridge@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk or call them anytime on 0845 60 60 247.

More information can be found on the Police Team poster.

North Yorkshire Police are now recruiting Special Constables

Visit their website www.nypspecials.com or read their Special Constable poster.

Notification of Unoccupied House Form

Please return to Knaresborough Police Station or by email to PC Powell - jan.powell@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

Click here for North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service information regarding Flooded Road Safety